Section: Software

Experimentation Software



ACQUA stands for Application for Collaborative Estimation of the Quality of Internet Access. It has been developed within the French National project ANR CMON on Collaborative Monitoring in conjunction with Grenouille.com. ACQUA consists of a tool that lets the user have an estimation of the anomalies of the Internet based on active measurements of end-to-end delay metrics among a predefined set of landmarks (i.e. test points). When an anomaly is detected it is expressed in terms of how many destinations are affected by this anomaly, and how important in terms of delay variation is this anomaly for these affected destinations. See also http://planete.inria.fr/acqua/ for more information and for a java version of the code.



WisMon is a Wireless Statistical Monitoring tool that generates real-time statistics from a unified list of packets, which come from possible different probes. This tool fulfills a gap on the wireless experimental field: it provides physical parameters on realtime for evaluation during the experiment, records the data for further processing and builds a single view of the whole wireless communication channel environment. WisMon is available as open source under the Cecill license, at http://planete.inria.fr/software/WisMon/ .

WEX Toolbox


The Wireless Experimentation (WEX) Toolbox aims to set up, run and make easier the analysis of wireless experiments. It is a flexible and scalable open-source set of tools that covers all the experimentation steps, from the definition of the experiment scenario to the storage and analysis of results. Sources and binaries of the WEX Toolbox are available under the GPLv2 licence at https://twiki-sop.inria.fr/twiki/bin/view/Projets/Planete/WEXToolkit . WEX Toolbox includes the CrunchXML utility, which aims to make easier the running and the analysis of wireless experimentations. In a nutshell, it implements an efficient synchronization and merging algorithm, which takes XML (or PDML) input trace files generated by multiple probes, and stores only the packets fields that have been marked as relevant by the user in a MySQL database –original pcap traces should be first formatted in XML using wireshark. These operations are done in a smart way to balance the CPU resources between the central server (where the database is created) and the different probes (i.e., PC stations where the capture traces are located). CrunchXML is available under the GNU General Public License v2 at http://twiki-sop.inria.fr/twiki/bin/view/Projets/Planete/CrunchXML .

WiMAX ns-3


This simulation module for the ns-3 network simulator is based on the IEEE 802.16-2004 standard. It implements the PMP topology with TDD mode and aims to provide detailed and standard compliant implementation of the standard, supporting important features including QoS scheduling services, bandwidth management, uplink request/grant scheduling and the OFDM PHY layer. The module is available under the GNU General Public License at http://code.nsnam.org/iamine/ns-3-wimax . It will be included in the official 3.8v release of ns-3.



Monitoring Lab is a platform for the emulation and monitoring of traffic in virtual ISP networks. It is supported by the FP7 ECODE project and is available for download at the web page of the tool http://planete.inria.fr/MonLab/ under the terms of the GPL licence. MonLab presents a new approach for the emulation of Internet traffic and for its monitoring across the different routers of the emulated ISP network. In its current version, the traffic is sampled at the packet level in each router of the platform, then monitored at the flow level. We put at the disposal of users real traffic emulation facilities coupled to a set of libraries and tools capable of Cisco NetFlow data export, collection and analysis. Our aim is to enable running and evaluating advanced applications for network wide traffic monitoring and optimization. The development of such applications is out of the scope of this research. We believe that the framework we are proposing can play a significant role in the systematic evaluation and experimentation of these applications' algorithms. Among the direct candidates figure algorithms for traffic engineering and distributed anomaly detection. Furthermore, methods for placing monitors, sampling traffic, coordinating monitors, and inverting sampling traffic will find in our platform a valuable tool for experimentation.



MobiTrade is the ns-3 and Android implementation of our solution for trading content between wireless devices. The application provides a utility driven trading system for efficient content dissemination on top of a disruption tolerant network. While simple tit-for-tat (TFT) mechanisms can force nodes to give one to get one, dealing with the inherent tendency of peers to take much but give back little, they can quickly lead to deadlocks when some (or most) of interesting content must be somehow fetched across the network. To resolve this, MobiTrade proposes a trading mechanism that allows a node (merchant) to buy, store, and carry content for other nodes (its clients) so that it can later trade it for content it is personally interested in. To exploit this extra degree of freedom, MobiTrade nodes continuously profile the type of content requested and the collaboration level of encountered devices. An appropriate utility function is then used to collect an optimal inventory that maximizes the expected value of stored content for future encounters, matched to the observed mobility patterns, interest patterns, and collaboration levels of encountered nodes. See also http://planete.inria.fr/MobiTrade .